In this very practical, but playful session, you’ll learn: – 4 real-time, immediately useful tools for deeper embodiment and enhanced sensuality – How to use your bum to stop overthinking (yep!) – How to seduce someone whilst drinking from your waterbottle #skills – How your eyes are part of your nervous system and how to use them to self-regulate. – How…

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WHY DO WE THINK WE HAVE TO ALREADY BE GOOD AT THE THING WE WANT TO LEARN…?   ‘I’d like to try yoga but I can’t even touch my toes.’ ‘I want to try bellydance classes but my hips are so stiff. ‘ ‘I’m not fit enough to join that fitness class.’ ‘I want to…

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A little while ago some friends who also happen to be kickass business women + mums, and I went for a seaside getaway. We were chatting about how often women feel guilty for not being productive and getting more done. The belief that personal achievement & serving others = worthiness is pretty hardwired for many.…

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“Oh you just need to be more feminine / work on your femininity” “You’re too much in your masculine” …please no more of that bullshit! That just leaves women feeling bad about themselves, that they are not enough and thinking there’s yet another standard they need to meet! Embodying the feminine is an inner gesture…

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Everyone is inherently both and cultivating the embodied expression of both creates a well-rounded, integrated, high functioning human being. In Shiva Shakti Dance we explore the embodiment of both the ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ polarities within us: These are not derivatives of gender, stereotypes or cultural roles but expressions of the play of consciousness (Shiva) and…

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In this interview as part of the Embodied Experts Summit with Jenna Ward, we discuss: – the journey from rigidity, numbness and being stuck in the head to sensual embodiment – experiencing arousal as a way of being – making love with life – dancing as a form of devotion – how intimacy with yourself…

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Women’s hips are a source of tremendous creativity, pleasure and power. We can literally hold life, nourish and birth a new being in our hips. Isn’t that incredible!? The waters of our sacrum are magnetic to our desires, essential to our ability to flow and receive the fruits of our yearnings. Yet, as women our…

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Feminine sexual energy is undoubtedly the most powerful of forces in this world. It is pure potentiality, the creative drive of life itself and intoxicating beauty of nature manifest in endless forms. Secretly if not openly most women know or at least intuit that this erotic energy within them can move mountains and essentially get them anything they desire. What if you could access the capacity to manifest whatever you desired into the world?Such an immense capacity for transformation […]

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Are you the type of woman that gives and gives and gives in relationships trying to make yourself feel adequate, because just being who you are isn’t quite good enough?Don’t get me wrong, giving is a beautiful and fulfilling quality of the feminine nature, just look at Mother Nature and all the she gives. I’m talking about the kind of hustle to sell yourself as good, pleasing and acceptable that happens because you don’t respect yourself enough to value who you are.No mat […]

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I started dancing not so long ago in 2011. Prior to that I had explored salsa socially for some months, and before that you wouldn’t have even caught me dropping a few moves in the living room. Up until 5 years ago I had very little relationship with my femininity, love for my body or inkling of what was possible to feel through dancing.The game-changer for me was a suggestion from my intimate partner back then to replace my rigorous yoga practice with dancing but keep the same level […]

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