Need an engaging speaker?
Seeking an insightful interviewee?
Want an exciting workshop at

your next event?

Holly Wodetzki

is an experienced and engaging speaker who brings warmth, humour and insight to her presentations.

With more than a decade of experience studying philosophy, dance, yogic traditions, and eastern mysticism, she enjoys connecting the dots for her audiences in new and insightful ways, lighting the way for aha’s, personal revelations and radical empowerment.


She is available for interviews and speaking opportunities, with her favourite topics including:

  •  The fully embodied woman and the integration of the masculine and feminine
  • Awakening women’s sexuality, sensuality and desire
  • Accessing pleasure and presence
  • How to magnetise your life partner
  • The spiritual power of dance
  • The intersection of tantra, yoga, dance, eastern mysticism and more

Holly also leads Shiva Shakti Dance workshops at festivals, women’s circles and other events.

To find out more, please get in touch.

Here’s what women are saying...


"As a woman with many roles in life (mother, wife, business owner) I often find myself living from a place of 'force' ... stuck in the daily 'doing' and the masculine approach of achievement. I needed to remember the power, pleasure and ease that comes from being more balanced in the feminine and this workshop helped reconnect me to my sensuality and juiciness! Thanks Holly, it was fabulous!"

- Kim

"The devotional erotic dance workshop with Holly was a joyous blessing which opened my heart up like a flower blooming in response to the loving and supportive environment. I found it not only a pleasure to be there but also experienced it as a true need which I had not previously known existed. I left with great insights, a new love for myself and other women, a greater understanding of the masculine and feminine energies and the joy in their sacred union. Extremely intense, pleasurable, revolutionary. Truly needed in this world."

- Lidija

“Shiva Shakti Dance is a life changing work. I have seen multiple shifts in all areas of my life since starting this work. I continue to grow, heal and expand after every class and workshop and I am constantly surprised and how much deeper I can go every time.”

- Mae

I came to find my femininity again after having to shave my head for medical reasons and to find my womanly self expression, I was terrified and nervous to begin! The workshop held me and nurtured me to open up and blossom and the immense support and love I felt over that weekend has left me with a lingering key to the essence of what it is to be woman. Such a valuable experience for every woman. It was extraordinary and life altering. Thank you!”

- Bianca

“Honestly this is what I have been looking for! I'm astounded by the transformation of not only myself but all the women who do SSD! I have to say I tend to not gravitate towards workshops or courses, but that's only because I hadn't really experienced anything that provided so much value for money until I did this course. This is a transformational course and I'm so glad I took the jump and did it! Without really knowing what I was in for, I have absolutely no regrets I feel I am a better person for it and have gained something within myself that I wouldn't really have been able to grasp or fathom until I had done it. So I highly recommend it to all women! and I'm so amazed and grateful for what Holly has created. Its magical to see everyone transform by the power of their own thoughts and reconnect with their body and feminine side. It's like witnessing a flower bloom! and I say this with 100% conviction, I'm blown away!”

- Breanna

“Doing this course was the best thing I have done in a long time! As an incredible shy, awkward, homebody person, dancing with Holly has brought my desires and sensuality back from the dark and into my life again. I absolutely loved every minute of it and anyone sitting at home thinking, or wanting to know how to become an erotic and confident woman, HAS to do this course! I am so glad I took the leap.”

- Amanda

“The 2 day workshop provided a nurturing environment which encouraged personal growth through the exploration of sensual and sexual development. Holly is an amazing woman who inspires you to embrace your body and all its deliciousness; to work through your inhibitions. I learnt to embrace my femininity and swim in all the lusciousness that comes with being a woman. I took away a sense of freedom to enjoy my curves and all the joy that it brings within my relationship.”

- Kelli


Holly Wodetzki

Founder, Teacher & Creative Director of Shiva Shakti Dance.

Holly Wodetzki thought she was destined for a life of science and academia… certainly not dance. As a passionate yogi, she enjoyed the rigours of disciplined training and esoteric philosophy for more than a decade. It wasn’t until 2011, in the privacy of her lounge room, that she discovered the wild-hearted transformative power of dance and the embrace of Shakti.

Sensing that she’d discovered the calling which would change her life, Holly threw herself into exploring as many forms of dance and eastern mysticism as possible.


Her main teacher is Guruji Raj Kumar Baswar of the Bhairavanand Tantric lineage. She is endlessly grateful for initiation in Kashmir Shaivism through the Siddha Yoga lineage, teacher training and ongoing inspiration from Michaela Boehm, the wisdom and meditation practices imparted by Sahajananda of Hridaya Yoga, Monika Nataraj’s inspiring mystical approach to dance and teacher training, and the sweetness of devotion transmitted by Guruji Saroj Dehury through Odissi dance. The synthesis of all these disciplines is Shiva Shakti Dance, which Holly founded and began teaching in 2012.  

Now a full-time dance facilitator, writer, and sought-after speaker, Holly’s mission is to light a path for women to awaken their feminine essence through connecting deeply with their sexuality. She loves painting, performance art, gardening, singing along to songs in foreign languages, and dancing with and for her husband.


Shiva Shakti Dance

Shiva Shakti Dance is a unique devotional dance practice developed by Holly Wodetzki, to allow women to express and embody the two divine polarities that exist within them — their Shiva aspect (a.k.a. the masculine principle of consciousness, unwavering presence, and stillness) and their Shakti aspect (a.k.a. the feminine principle of universal energy, radiance, and love).

By fusing ancient spiritual philosophy with modern science (along with a keen awareness of the everyday stresses on the modern woman), Shiva Shakti Dance allows women to connect with the innate beauty, power and wisdom that lies within.


To arrange an interview or find out how to get Holly at
your next event, please get in touch.