Arousal is not just about getting wet before sex
Arousal is not just about getting wet before sex.Arousal is the effect of intimate connection, feeling alive and enthusiastic about life.When your body is RELAXED, RESPONSIVE and RECEPTIVE to the possibility of what’s happening in the moment arousal occurs very naturally. Everything feels more vibrant and rich….and not just in the bedroom.You can be walking down the street relaxed, responsive and receptive to the breeze on your neck and feel aroused. Or looking into the night sky, dissolve in […]
Read MoreNot feeling ready? That’s okay.
I know of no better way to gain clarity and acceptance around what’s really going on (not what I think is going on) in my life and relationships than to DANCE.I dance when I’m confused about what to do next.I dance when I’m stuck in a creativity rut and feel blocked in my expression.I dance when I don’t feel sexually turned on and disconnected from my partner.I dance when I’ve got a big social event coming up and I’m feeling nervous to meet lots of new people. […]
Read MoreObstacles to Transformation [PART 1] – How I almost didn’t start dancing
Recently, I shared how I started dancing…but what I didn’t include was the more relevant story of how I almost didn’t start dancing.Have you ever experienced contraction in the form of inhibition, doubt, obstacles, distraction or sometimes blatant self-sabotage just prior to expanding into a grander embodiment of your true self or taking an action aligned with fulfilling your heart’s purpose?I certainly have! Whenever I’m stepping up and doing something that&r […]
Read MoreWhat if it’s too much? What if I can’t handle it?
“For almost a year I would read the feedback from the DED weekend workshops and wonder if all the hype was really true. Or more so if i was capable of feeling the depth of this course that all of these woman before me had.What if it’s too much? What if I can’t handle it? It kinda scares me! It would be such a waste of money if I didn’t show up..However beneath the chatter of my fearful mind there was always a warm and inquisitive whisper prompting questions like: ’But what if I DO […]
Read MoreHow I started dancing…
I started dancing not so long ago in 2011. Prior to that I had explored salsa socially for some months, and before that you wouldn’t have even caught me dropping a few moves in the living room. Up until 5 years ago I had very little relationship with my femininity, love for my body or inkling of what was possible to feel through dancing.The game-changer for me was a suggestion from my intimate partner back then to replace my rigorous yoga practice with dancing but keep the same level […]
Read MoreWhy you’re not getting the respect you deserve
Are you the type of woman that gives and gives and gives in relationships trying to make yourself feel adequate, because just being who you are isn’t quite good enough?Don’t get me wrong, giving is a beautiful and fulfilling quality of the feminine nature, just look at Mother Nature and all the she gives. I’m talking about the kind of hustle to sell yourself as good, pleasing and acceptable that happens because you don’t respect yourself enough to value who you are.No mat […]
Read MoreFeminine Sexual Energy married with the Heart…
Feminine sexual energy is undoubtedly the most powerful of forces in this world. It is pure potentiality, the creative drive of life itself and intoxicating beauty of nature manifest in endless forms. Secretly if not openly most women know or at least intuit that this erotic energy within them can move mountains and essentially get them anything they desire. What if you could access the capacity to manifest whatever you desired into the world?Such an immense capacity for transformation […]
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