Graduate Mastermind 2021 | Sensual Embodied Dance




The Sensual Embodied Dance facilitator training has come to an end – but you are really just beginning! 

If you would like to continue receiving support to flourish as a facilitator and help to get your offerings out into the world, you might like to join the Graduate Mastermind.

The Graduate Mastermind can support you with: 

  • business support tailored to your individual circumstances (e.g. website set up, booking systems, payment gateways, automation, mailing lists and fiddly things like privacy policies, T&C’s, integrations).
  • marketing support tailored to your individual circumstances (e.g. copyrighting, social media strategy, creating a funnel, pricing, identifying and cultivating an audience, branding.)
  • troubleshooting and assistance navigating the curveballs inherent in starting something new.
  • personalised help to identify your audience, your interests and your gifts, and marry them to contextualise your unique offering of SED.
  • help to create a structure for a class series, course, workshop or retreat experience.
  • brainstorming support, bouncing new ideas, a multifaceted creative process.
  • community and connection – so you don’t feel like your doing it all alone or in a vacuum!
  • nurturing accountability to move through resistance gracefully, and keep you moving towards what you desire.
  • refining your own embodied experience, cultivating capacity and self-awareness.
  • …and anything else you feel would enhance your journey as a facilitator and embodied human being.

What’s included:

  • A monthly x 1-hour private call with Holly – to receive very personalised support in any area of your life (facilitation, business, embodiment)
  • A monthly x 2-3 hour group coaching call – hot seat style – to utilise the richness of an amazing group of women. Get their unique perspectives on any idea, issue or inspiration you want to bring to the table, and rapidly accelerate your learning through other’s experiences.
  • Graduate Mastermind Facebook Group – continue to receive dedicated support from Holly and your fellow SED facilitators.
  • Optional: fortnightly accountability action steps – little steps in the right direction make the world of difference. Each fortnight you’ll be invited to share 3 action steps in the Facebook Group that will move you in the direction you want to go (however small and incrementally), then at the end of the fortnight we’ll see how we all went and celebrate and/or recalibrate what our actual capacity is so you can ensure you keep the ball rolling (and the dopamine flowing!).

Terms & Conditions

Payments are non-refundable.

Private support from Holly in addition to the Graduate Mastermind inclusions is available – please contact Holly if this interests you.