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If Level 1 had more focus on the expressions of the feminine, Level 2 is a turn deeply inwards to reconnect with your authenticity & unique relationship with Shakti.


When: 7:10 - 9:30pm Tuesday nights
Date: TBC
(Make sure you are able to attend all six classes in the course)
Where: TBC
Facilitator: Holly Wodetzki.
Please note: A Level 1 Course or Weekend Workshop is a prerequisite to attending the Level 2 Course.

Reserve your spot
Transformational Course LEVEL 2
- Please note: A Level 1 Course or Weekend Workshop is a prerequisite to attending the Level 2 Course.
Transformational Course LEVEL 2
Devoted Dancer
Devoted Dancer
- The 'Devoted Dancer' half-price rate is for any woman who is repeating a workshop or course she has previously attended.
+ OPTIONAL EXTRA:Private mentoring & support
- 3 x 60min sessions over the phone. You must be enrolled in a current course.
Payment plans are available, click 'book in now' to see payment options.
Please note: Places are not guaranteed until payment is processed.
All prices include GST. All payments secured by Stripe.
Please read the Terms and Conditions before purchasing.